Thursday, June 08, 2006

Last Tango In Paris (Hilton)

An attempt to end Senate debate and proceed with a vote to repeal the estate tax failed 57-41, with a few Republicans joining their Democratic colleagues to start looking at where they are going to get the money to pay for George Bush's endless War on Terra.
According to the Washington Post, this tax effects only 1.17% of the taxpaying wealthiest, but according to Bill Frist it's really Mom and Pop, Inc.:
"The 'death tax' is an unfair burden inflicted upon America's small businesses, farmers, and families during a time of grieving and pain," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), a leading proponent of repeal. "This won't be the last time this year the Senate votes on this important issue."
Frist and other leading Republicans argued that the estate tax forced closely held and privately owned businesses to sell out to public corporations, depriving family members of the benefits derived from the hard work of their elder relatives. As a result, they said, rich people wasted billions of dollars trying to avoid the tax, money that might better have been used to expand the businesses and create jobs.
Cry me a river, Bill. There is not one documented case of someone losing their estate because of this tax, but Frist has tried to convince us that he and the rest of millionaire's club on the Hill are only looking out for the Waltons, when in reality they're just trying to keep the IRS from prying the hard-inherited cash from their cold, dead hands.

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