Friday, August 29, 2008


John McCain has tapped former Monty Python member Michael Alaska governor Sarah Palin tojoin the ticket as his VP candidate. Now, you might think this is a attempt to balance John McCain's obvious youth and good looks with someone younger and prettier like Dan Quayle.

If I'd bothered to write it down, I would have guessed they'd make female pick after finding out that Obama selected Biden.But if they really were serious about putting a woman on the ticket (and not just making a backhanded gesture to Hillary's deadend PUMAs), they could have gone with any number of outstanding Republican women like Liddy Dole or Christine Todd Whitman. Hell, they could have even picked the gawdawful Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

No, this was to protect them.

They can smell defeat already.

Sarah Palin is a disposable nominee.

Update: Obviously I should give some thought to the all-important MILF constituency.

Monday, August 25, 2008

In a world...

From TUAW, comes word that Beau Weaver, the voice talent behind just about every movie trailer ever made has graciously produced a free ringtone opening with his signature "In a world..." You can download it at his website.
Update: I should have more correctly characterized him as "the voice talent behind many movie trailers." I clearly forgot the incomparable veteran Don "The Voice of God" LaFontaine, who sadly passed away Tuesday.