Tuesday, August 05, 2008

DemConHisFit 2008

Atrios wants us to peer into our crystal balls and predict the Republican hissy fit during upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Now, I'm not going to be able to do that due to the nature of the HissyFitTM in that it must 
  1. be sufficiently arbitrary so that every potential trigger can't be anticipated, and

  2. occur within milliseconds of the actual event so that any attempt to manage the fit can only be reactive in nature.
However, I am willing to go out on a limb and predict the major theme (I hate the term "meme"):
the Democrats are making a colossal mistake by not picking Hillary.
To use an antiquated term, it will be the mother of all concern trolls.

Can't you already envision Pat Buchanan holding forth with Chris Matthews about how he always believed that Hillary was the better pick? Republicans and their media apologists will cast their eyes downward, sigh gently, and after clucking their tongues in disapproval announce what a tragedy it is that the Democrats missed the opportunity to nominate a woman (so now we know who the real feminists are), with such vast experience (that's why we picked a geezer), and having such Presidential bearing (as opposed to that uppity…).

Oh, and the hissy fit will be over the ritual burning of the Star of David into Joe Lieberman's forehead. Hey! What's he doing at the convention?

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