Sunday, May 14, 2006

Running the playbook

So the President is going down to Arizona on Thursday to trumpet his stil double-super-secret plan to "beef up" border security.

I wonder what he'll be doing down there...

New York Sun (4/24/06)
One important element of the scheme, according to the magazine, is to emphasize the president's views on immigration. While Mr. Bolten does not think his support for a guest worker program is popular, he intends to highlight instead the president's policy to get tough with illegal immigrants by pressing for more funds for Mexican border patrols and he intends to use the new recruits and new hardware as a backdrop for press photo opportunities.

"Think of the visuals," an anonymous Time source, who is reportedly a proponent of the plan, says. "He can go down to the border and meet with a bunch of guys and go ride around on an ATV." The magazine reports that Mr. Bolten is aware that the disadvantage to this element of the revamp of the president's image is that it will discourage Hispanic voters from supporting the Republicans.

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