Tuesday, May 23, 2006

NSA update

I haven't had much to add in the last few days, mostly because I keep running across other blogs covering NSA issues as well. As I'm still new to this whole blog scene, it's sometimes hard for me to see what I could possibly add. Nonetheless, I plunge on.

I've found a treasure trove of information on the NSA wiretap controversy over at DefenseTech.org. It's going to take me a little while to sort it all out, but as I delve more deeply into this, I find some common themes emerging:
  1. This program is bad from the legal perspective. The program flies in the face of the separation of powers, violates a whole host of laws, and has exposed several large corporations to legal liability.
  2. This program is bad from the PR perspective. Recent polls show that people are quite skeptical of the program, and are concerned potential invasions of privacy.
  3. This program is bad from the security perspective. It is counterproductive, and is diverting resources from more effective means to track, thwart, and capture terrorists.

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